Mag. Bernhard Schenkenfelder

Researcher and Senior Software Engineer
Research Team Lead Human-Centered System Design


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Short biography

Mag. Bernhard Schenkenfelder is a researcher and senior software engineer in the Human-Centered System Design group at SCCH. He holds an MSc and is currently pursuing a PhD in Business Informatics at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz. He has more than 25 years of experience in software engineering, especially in web development.

Bernhard has been involved in five funded research projects, from proposal writing to implementation and evaluation. He is the author of eight peer-reviewed publications and chaired a poster session at an international conference. His main research interests are low-code development and related topics such as human-computer interaction and web-based technologies. In industry-academia collaborations, Bernhard has developed low-code platforms to make software development accessible to domain experts without software development training. Previously, he conducted research on medical applications of computer vision. Bernhard was also a lecturer at JKU.

Research Focus

(main areas): Low-Code Development, Human-Computer Interaction, Web-Based Technologies, AR/VR

Key Projects

HUMACE (FFG, COMET 2023-2026): Human-Centered System Design

Responsible Annotation (AK Digifonds, 2023-2024): Software research to support inclusive image annotation teams.

NUDOCU (FFG, 2022-2025): Passive documentation of nursing care activities through contextual information and AI

VizARd (FFG, ICT of the Future, 2018-2021): Visual augmented reality (AR) assistant for spatial mapping in surgery


Employment and Education

2024 cont PhD, Business Informatics Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU), Austria
2022 cont Researcher and Senior Software Engineer, Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH (SCCH), Austria
2017 2022 Researcher & Developer, RISC Software GmbH, Austria
2016 2017 Software Engineer, XORTEX eBusiness GmbH, Austria
2012 2013 Volunteer, INTERSOL, Bolivia
2010 2012 Mathematics (without degree), Vienna University of Technology (TU), Austria
2007 2010 Full-stack Web Developer, BETA Records, USA
2005 2006 Research assistant without diploma Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU), Austria
2001 2006 MSc, Business Informatics Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU), Austria
