Hannes Sochor MSc

GrammarForge: Learning Program Input Grammars for Fuzz Testing
Sochor, H., Ferrarotti, F., & Wille, R. (2024). GrammarForge: Learning Program Input Grammars for Fuzz Testing. Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 272–289.
A PUF-Based Approach for Copy Protection of IP in Neural Network Models
Dorfmeister, D., Ferrarotti, F., Fischer, B., Schwandtner, M., & Sochor, H. (2024). A PUF-Based Approach for Copy Protection of Intellectual Property in Neural Network Models. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 153–169.
Fuzzing-based Grammar Learning from a Minimal Set of Seed Inputs
Sochor, H., Ferrarotti, F., & Kaufmann, D. (2024). Fuzzing-based grammar learning from a minimal set of seed inputs. Journal of Computer Languages, 78, 101252.
Fuzzing-Based Grammar Inference
Sochor, H., Ferrarotti, F., & Kaufmann, D. (2022). Fuzzing-Based Grammar Inference. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 72–86.
A Refinement Based Algorithm for Learning Program Input Grammars
Sochor, H., & Ferrarotti, F. (2022). A Refinement Based Algorithm for Learning Program Input Grammars. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 138–156.
An automated evaluation of broker compatibility for the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport protocol
Sochor, H., Ferrarotti, F., & Ramler, R. (2021). An automated evaluation of broker compatibility for the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport protocol. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. Portico.
An architecture for automated security test case generation for MQTT systems
Sochor, H., Ferrarotti, F., & Ramler, R. (2020). An Architecture for Automated Security Test Case Generation for MQTT Systems. Database and Expert Systems Applications, 48–62.
Exploiting MQTT-SN for distributed reflection denial-of-service attacks
Sochor, H., Ferrarotti, F., & Ramler, R. (2020). Exploiting MQTT-SN for Distributed Reflection Denial-of-Service Attacks. Database and Expert Systems Applications, 74–81.
Automated security test generation for MQTT using attack patterns
Sochor, H., Ferrarotti, F., & Ramler, R. (2020). Automated security test generation for MQTT using attack patterns. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security.
Integrating threat modeling and automated test case generation into industrialized software security testing
Marksteiner, S., Ramler, R., & Sochor, H. (2019). Integrating Threat Modeling and Automated Test Case Generation into Industrialized Software Security Testing. Proceedings of the Third Central European Cybersecurity Conference.