Dr. Ramin Nikzad-Langerodi

Senior Researcher Data Science
Research Team Lead Sustainable Process Cognition


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My research aims at exploring novel strategies for data analysis across different sources by leveraging recent results in transfer learning and domain adaptation. In particular, I am interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the conditions under which learning from different domains is feasible and to develop novel tools for the analysis of heterogeneous datasets.


Research Interests

  • Chemometrics, with special focus on exploratory data analysis, multivariate regression and process modelling (e.g. MSPC)
  • Domain Adaptation and Transfer Learning
  • Process Analytical Technology (PAT)
  • Interpretable and interactive (Human-in-the-Loop) modelling


Key Facts

  • M.Sc. in Biochemistry/Biophysics from University of Zurich with focus on Systems Biology and Metabolomics
  • Dr. rer. nat. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from University of Vienna in the domain of analytical chemistry, chemometrics and non-destructive testing
  • Post doctoral research at Department of Knowledge-Based Mathematical Systems, JKU Linz in the domain of Transfer Learning and Domain Adaptation
  • Manages several national research projects, e.g. INTRAL (FFG Production of the Future)
  • Reviewer of top tier Journals in Analytical Chemistry and Chemometrics, e.g. Chemometrics Intell. Lab. Sys, SAA.
