Mag. Rudolf Ramler
ORCID | Google Scholar | Research Gate |
Rudolf Ramler is research manager for Software Science. He has more than 20 years of experience in software engineering research and managing application oriented research projects.
Research Interests
- Developing automated methods and tools for software testing and software analytics
- Risk-based approaches and defect prediction models to improve test management
- Engineering high-quality software systems
- Empirical & value-based software engineering research
Key Facts
- Managed 11 research projects on automated software testing, risk-based test management, defect prediction, value-based software engineering, and application lifecycle management
- Author of more than 100 reviewed publications
- Best paper awards: ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ASE 2015, PROFES 2015, ICST 2017 Posters, SQWD 2017 & 2013, IWSM 2013
- Co-organizer of PROFES 2024, SWQD 2024, VST 2024-2018, TAIC PART 2017-2015, Euromicro SEAA 2022-2012, PC member of several international conferences and workshops
- ISTQB certified tester, ACM and IEEE member
- Tools developed for automated testing, software test management, regression test selection, quality analysis together with industry partners and vendors
- Lecturer at Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU), and University for Applied Sciences of Upper Austria (FH Hagenberg)
Responsible Annotation - Von der Idee zur Praxis: Inklusives Team markiert Daten für KI-Training
Schenkenfelder, B., Brandstätter, U., Fischer, L., Ramler, R., Laister, D., Hartl, M., & Wurm, M. (2024). Responsible Annotation - Von der Idee zur Praxis: Inklusives Team markiert Daten für KI-Training. BI-Spektrum 5/2024.
The impact of new package managers on the library dependency ecosystem
Rahkema, K., Pfahl, D., & Ramler, R. (2024). The impact of new package managers on the library dependency ecosystem. PeerJ Computer Science, 10, e2617. Portico.
Towards Solving Short-Term Generation Scheduling Problems on Quantum Computers
Bruckner, S., Ferrarotti, F., Ramler, R., Wille, R., & Hillmich, S. (2024). Towards Solving Short-Term Generation Scheduling Problems on Quantum Computers. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement. Industry-, Workshop-, and Doctoral Symposium Papers, 164–170.
First Experiments on Automated Execution of Gherkin Test Specifications with Collaborating LLM Agents
Bergsmann, S., Schmidt, A., Fischer, S., & Ramler, R. (2024). First Experiments on Automated Execution of Gherkin Test Specifications with Collaborating LLM Agents. Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Workshop on Automating Test Case Design, Selection and Evaluation, 12–15.
Challenges for Quantum Software Engineering: An Industrial Application Scenario Perspective
Carbonelli, C., Felderer, M., Jung, M., Lobe, E., Lochau, M., Luber, S., Mauerer, W., Ramler, R., Schaefer, I., & Schroth, C. (2024). Challenges for Quantum Software Engineering: An Industrial Application Scenario Perspective. Quantum Software, 311–335.
How Industry Tackles Anomalies during Runtime: Approaches and Key Monitoring Parameters
Steidl, M., Dornauer, B., Felderer, M., Ramler, R., Racasan, M.-C., & Gattringer, M. (2024). How Industry Tackles Anomalies during Runtime: Approaches and Key Monitoring Parameters. 2024 50th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), 364–372.
The Metamorphic Lighthouse: Understanding the Input Data Space of Metamorphic Relations
Duque-Torres, A., Pfahl, D., Klammer, C., Fischer, S., & Ramler, R. (2024). The Metamorphic Lighthouse: Understanding the Input Data Space of Metamorphic Relations. 2024 50th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), 379–386.
The Past, Present, and Future of Research on the Continuous Development of AI
Steidl, M., Ramler, R., & Felderer, M. (2024). The Past, Present, and Future of Research on the Continuous Development of AI. 2024 50th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), 300–308.
Software Quality as a Foundation for Security: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Software Quality, SWQD 2024
Software Quality as a Foundation for Security. (2024). In P. Bludau, R. Ramler, D. Winkler, & J. Bergsmann (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Springer Nature Switzerland.
An Overview of Microservice-Based Systems Used for Evaluation in Testing and Monitoring: A Systematic Mapping Study
Fischer, S., Urbanke, P., Ramler, R., Steidl, M., & Felderer, M. (2024). An Overview of Microservice-Based Systems Used for Evaluation in Testing and Monitoring: A Systematic Mapping Study. Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automation of Software Test (AST 2024).
Industrial Experience Report on AI-Assisted Coding in Professional Software Development
Ramler, R., Moser, M., Fischer, L., Nissl, M., & Heinzl, R. (2024). Industrial Experience Report on AI-Assisted Coding in Professional Software Development. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Large Language Models for Code, 1–7.
Responsible AI Engineering: The Case of an Inclusive Image Annotation Team in a Global Technology Company
Schenkenfelder, B., Brandstätter, U., Fischer, L., Ramler, R., Laister, D., Hartl, M., & Wurm, M. (2024). Responsible AI Engineering: The Case of an Inclusive Image Annotation Team in a Global Technology Company. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Responsible AI Engineering.
Investigating the Readability of Test Code: Combining Scientific and Practical Views
Winkler, D., Urbanke, P., & Ramler, R. (2024). Investigating the readability of test code. Empirical Software Engineering, 29(2).
Data Pipeline Quality: Influencing Factors, Root Causes of Data-related Issues, and Processing Problem Areas for Developers
Foidl, H., Golendukhina, V., Ramler, R., & Felderer, M. (2024). Data pipeline quality: Influencing factors, root causes of data-related issues, and processing problem areas for developers. Journal of Systems and Software, 207, 111855.
Comparative Analysis of SRAM PUF Temperature Susceptibility on Embedded Systems
Zeinzinger, M., Langer, J., Eibensteiner, F., Petz, P., Drack, L., Dorfmeister, D., & Ramler, R. (2023). Comparative Analysis of SRAM PUF Temperature Susceptibility on Embedded Systems. 2023 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET).
Getting QuantumReady: A Framework for Exploiting Quantum Computing in SMEs
Hillmich, S., Bruckner, S., Ferrarotti, F., & Ramler, R. (2023). Getting QuantumReady: A Framework for Exploiting Quantum Computing in SMEs. Munich Quantum Software Forum (MQSF 2023)
Automation and Development Effort in Continuous AI Development: A Practitioners’ Survey
Steidl, M., Golendukhina, V., Felderer, M., & Ramler, R. (2023). Automation and Development Effort in Continuous AI Development: A Practitioners’ Survey. 2023 49th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA).
Towards Automatic Generation of Amplified Regression Test Oracles
Duque-Torres, A., Klammer, C., Pfahl, D., Fischer, S., & Ramler, R. (2023). Towards Automatic Generation of Amplified Regression Test Oracles. 2023 49th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA).
An Approach for Safe and Secure Software Protection Supported by Symbolic Execution
Dorfmeister, D., Ferrarotti, F., Fischer, B., Haslinger, E., Ramler, R., & Zimmermann, M. (2023). An Approach for Safe and Secure Software Protection Supported by Symbolic Execution. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 67–78.
Model-based Testing for a Family of Mobile Applications: Industrial Experiences
Fischer, S., Ramler, R., Assunção, W. K. G., Egyed, A., Gradl, C., & Auberger, S. (2023). Model-based Testing for a Family of Mobile Applications. Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference - Volume A.
Examples of Long-Term Science-Industry Partnerships for Translational Computer Science
Travnicek, C., Nowak, V., Ramler, R., Fischer, L., & Bühler, K. (2023). Examples of Long-Term Science–Industry Partnerships for Translational Computer Science. Computing in Science & Engineering, 25(1), 52–56.
Analysis of Library Dependency Networks of Package Managers Used in iOS Development
Rahkema, K., Pfahl, D., & Ramler, R. (2023). Analysis of Library Dependency Networks of Package Managers Used in iOS Development. 2023 IEEE/ACM 10th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft).
Applying a Genetic Algorithm for Test Suite Reduction in Industry
Stadler, P., Plösch, R., & Ramler, R. (2023). Applying a Genetic Algorithm for Test Suite Reduction in Industry. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 63–83.
Testing of Highly Configurable Cyber-Physical Systems - Results from a Two-Phase Multiple Case Study
Fischer, S., Klammer, C., Fernández, A. M. G., Rabiser, R., & Ramler, R. (2023). Testing of highly configurable cyber–physical systems — Results from a two-phase multiple case study. Journal of Systems and Software, 199, 111624.
The Pipeline for the Continuous Development of Artificial Intelligence Models - Current State of Research and Practice
Steidl, M., Felderer, M., & Ramler, R. (2023). The pipeline for the continuous development of artificial intelligence models—Current state of research and practice. Journal of Systems and Software, 199, 111615.
Designing a Test Model for a Configurable System: An Exploratory Study of Preprocessor Directives and Feature Toggles
Fischer, S., Michelon, G. K., Assunção, W. K. G., Ramler, R., & Egyed, A. (2023). Designing a Test Model for a Configurable System: An Exploratory Study of Preprocessor Directives and Feature Toggles. Proceedings of the 17th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems.
Preliminary Findings on the Occurrence and Causes of Data Smells in a Real-World Business Travel Data Processing Pipeline
Golendukhina, V., Foidl, H., Felderer, M., & Ramler, R. (2022). Preliminary findings on the occurrence and causes of data smells in a real-world business travel data processing pipeline. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering and AI for Data Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems/Internet of Things.
Requirements for Anomaly Detection Techniques for Microservices
Steidl, M., Gattringer, M., Felderer, M., Ramler, R., & Shahriari, M. (2022). Requirements for Anomaly Detection Techniques for Microservices. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 37–52.
How Do Deep-Learning Framework Versions Affect the Reproducibility of Neural Network Models?
Shahriari, M., Ramler, R., & Fischer, L. (2022). How Do Deep-Learning Framework Versions Affect the Reproducibility of Neural Network Models? Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 4(4), 888–911.
Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2022 Workshops, 33rd International Conference, DEXA 2022, Vienna, Austria, August 22–24, 2022
Kotsis, G., Tjoa, A. M., Khalil, I., Moser, B., Taudes, A., Mashkoor, A., Sametinger, J., Martinez-Gil, J., Sobieczky, F., Fischer, L., Ramler, R., Khan, M., & Czech, G. (Eds.). (2022). Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2022 Workshops. Communications in Computer and Information Science.
Twenty Years of Successful Translational Research - A Case Study of Three COMET Centers
Bühler, K., Travniceck, C., Nowak, V., Weippl, E., Fischer, L., Ramler, R., & Wille, R. (2022). Twenty Years of Successful Translational Research: A Case Study of Three COMET Centers. Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2022 Workshops, 155–166.
Data Smells: Categories, Causes and Consequences, and Detection of Suspicious Data in AI-based Systems
Foidl, H., Felderer, M., & Ramler, R. (2022). Data smells. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on AI Engineering: Software Engineering for AI.
A Replication Study on Predicting Metamorphic Relations at Unit Testing Level
Duque-Torres, A., Pfahl, D., Ramler, R., & Klammer, C. (2022). A Replication Study on Predicting Metamorphic Relations at Unit Testing Level. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER).
Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering: Are We Ready?
Mashkoor, A., Menzies, T., Egyed, A., & Ramler, R. (2022). Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering: Are We Ready? Computer, 55(3), 24–28.
What do we know about readability of test code? - A Systematic Mapping Study
Winkler, D., Urbanke, P., & Ramler, R. (2022). What Do We Know About Readability of Test Code? - A Systematic Mapping Study. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER).
Comparing Automated Reuse of Scripted Tests and Model-Based Tests for Configurable Software
Fischer, S., Ramler, R., & Linsbauer, L. (2021). Comparing Automated Reuse of Scripted Tests and Model-Based Tests for Configurable Software. 2021 28th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC).
An automated evaluation of broker compatibility for the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport protocol
Sochor, H., Ferrarotti, F., & Ramler, R. (2021). An automated evaluation of broker compatibility for the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport protocol. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. Portico.
Test Benchmarks: Which One Now and in Future?
Artho, C., Benali, A., & Ramler, R. (2021). Test Benchmarks: Which One Now and in Future? 2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS).
KI in der Praxis: Key Challenges im System-Engineering
Fischer, L., Ehrlinger, L., Geist, V., Ramler, R., Sobieczky, F., Zellinger, W., & Moser, B. (2021) KI in der Praxis: Key Challenges im System-Engineering. ERP Future 2020 - Die Fachveranstaltung für Enterprise Systems in Österreich, 10. November 2020 in Hagenberg, Oberösterreich
Adopting Microservices for Industrial Control Systems: A Five Step Migration Path
Buchgeher, G., Ramler, R., Stummer, H., & Kaufmann, H. (2021). Adopting Microservices for Industrial Control Systems: A Five Step Migration Path. 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA ).
Integrating Usage Monitoring for Continuous Evaluation and Testing in the UI of an Industry Application
Fischer, S., Klammer, C., & Ramler, R. (2021). Integrating usage monitoring for continuous evaluation and testing in the UI of an industry application. Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Automating TEST Case Design, Selection, and Evaluation.
Considerations for using Block-Based Languages for Industrial Robot Programming - a Case Study
Mayr-Dorn, C., Winterer, M., Salomon, C., Hohensinger, D., & Ramler, R. (2021). Considerations for using Block-Based Languages for Industrial Robot Programming - a Case Study. 2021 IEEE/ACM 3rd International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering (RoSE).
Automated Reuse of Test Cases for Highly Configurable Software Systems
Fischer, S., Michelon, G. K., Ramler, R. R., Linsbauer, L. & Egyed, A., (2021). Automated Reuse of Test Cases for Highly Configurable Software Systems. In: Koziolek, A., Schaefer, I. & Seidl, C. (Hrsg.), Software Engineering 2021. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. (S. 39-40).
Testing of Highly Configurable Cyber-Physical Systems – A Multiple Case Study
Fischer, S., Ramler, R., Klammer, C., & Rabiser, R. (2021). Testing of Highly Configurable Cyber-Physical Systems – A Multiple Case Study. Proceedings of the 15th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems.
Quality Assurance for AI-based Systems: Overview and Challenges
Felderer, M., & Ramler, R. (2021). Quality Assurance for AI-Based Systems: Overview and Challenges (Introduction to Interactive Session). Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 33–42.
AI System Engineering - Key Challenges and Lessons Learned
Fischer, L., Ehrlinger, L., Geist, V., Ramler, R., Sobiezky, F., Zellinger, W., Brunner, D., Kumar, M., & Moser, B. (2020). AI System Engineering—Key Challenges and Lessons Learned. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 3(1), 56–83.
Using Rule Mining for Automatic Test Oracle Generation
Duque-Torres, A., Pfahl, D., Shalygina, A., & Ramler, R. (2020). Using Rule Mining for Automatic Test Oracle Generation. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Quantitative Approaches to Software Quality co-located with 27th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2020), pages 21-28,, December 2020.
An expert review on the applicability of blockly for industrial robot programming
Winterer, M., Salomon, C., Koberle, J., Ramler, R., & Schittengruber, M. (2020). An Expert Review on the Applicability of Blockly for Industrial Robot Programming. 2020 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA).
An architecture for automated security test case generation for MQTT systems
Sochor, H., Ferrarotti, F., & Ramler, R. (2020). An Architecture for Automated Security Test Case Generation for MQTT Systems. Database and Expert Systems Applications, 48–62.
Exploiting MQTT-SN for distributed reflection denial-of-service attacks
Sochor, H., Ferrarotti, F., & Ramler, R. (2020). Exploiting MQTT-SN for Distributed Reflection Denial-of-Service Attacks. Database and Expert Systems Applications, 74–81.
Applying AI in practice: Key challenges and lessons learned
Fischer, L., Ehrlinger, L., Geist, V., Ramler, R., Sobieczky, F., Zellinger, W., & Moser, B. (2020). Applying AI in Practice: Key Challenges and Lessons Learned. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 451–471.
Automated security test generation for MQTT using attack patterns
Sochor, H., Ferrarotti, F., & Ramler, R. (2020). Automated security test generation for MQTT using attack patterns. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security.
Predicting survived and killed mutants
Duque-Torres, A., Doliashvili, N., Pfahl, D., & Ramler, R. (2020). Predicting Survived and Killed Mutants. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW).
Live replay of screen videos: Automatically executing real applications as shown in recordings
Ramler, R., Gattringer, M., & Pichler, J. (2020). Live Replay of Screen Videos: Automatically Executing Real Applications as Shown in Recordings. 2020 IEEE 27th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER).
Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 3rd International Workshop on Validation, Analysis, and Evolution of Software Tests (VST'20), IEEE, February 2020.
[Front cover]. (2020). 2020 IEEE Workshop on Validation, Analysis and Evolution of Software Tests (VST).
Automated test reuse for highly configurable software
Fischer, S., Michelon, G. K., Ramler, R., Linsbauer, L., & Egyed, A. (2020). Automated test reuse for highly configurable software. Empirical Software Engineering, 25(6), 5295–5332.
Software Competence Center Hagenberg: Wissens- und Technologietransfer in Software und Data Science
In M. Felderer, W. Hasselbring, R. Rabiser, R. Jung (Hrsg), Software Engineering 2020, Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, Lecture Notes in Informatics - Proceedings Series of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), volume P-300, pages 225-227, DOI 10.18420/SE2020_61, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., February 2020.
Software Engineering: Forschung - Innovation - Transfer
Sauer, Stefan, & Ramler, Rudolf. (2020). Software Engineering: Forschung - Innovation - Transfer.
Integrating threat modeling and automated test case generation into industrialized software security testing
Marksteiner, S., Ramler, R., & Sochor, H. (2019). Integrating Threat Modeling and Automated Test Case Generation into Industrialized Software Security Testing. Proceedings of the Third Central European Cybersecurity Conference.
Enhancing acceptance test-driven development with model-based test generation
Ramler, R., & Klammer, C. (2019). Enhancing Acceptance Test-Driven Development with Model-Based Test Generation. 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C).
Automating test reuse for highly configurable software
Fischer, S., Ramler, R., Linsbauer, L., & Egyed, A. (2019). Automating Test Reuse for Highly Configurable Software. Proceedings of the 23rd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference - Volume A.
Lessons learned from making the transition to model-based GUI testing
Ramler, R., Klammer, C., & Wetzlmaier, T. (2019). Lessons learned from making the transition to model-based GUI testing. Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Automating TEST Case Design, Selection, and Evaluation.
Benefits and drawbacks of representing and analyzing source code and software engineering artifacts with graph databases
Ramler, R., Buchgeher, G., Klammer, C., Pfeiffer, M., Salomon, C., Thaller, H., & Linsbauer, L. (2018). Benefits and Drawbacks of Representing and Analyzing Source Code and Software Engineering Artifacts with Graph Databases. Software Quality: The Complexity and Challenges of Software Engineering and Software Quality in the Cloud, 125–148.
Why software testing fails: Common pitfalls observed in a critical smart metering project
Mohacsi, S., & Ramler, R. (2018). Why Software Testing Fails: Common Pitfalls Observed in a Critical Smart Metering Project. Software Quality: The Complexity and Challenges of Software Engineering and Software Quality in the Cloud, 73–92.