DI Ulrich Brandstätter MA PhD

Senior Research Project Manager Software Science
Research Team Lead Human-Centered System Design


ORCID ORCID Google Scholar Google Scholar Research Gate Research Gate


Ulrich Brandstätter is senior researcher for Human Centered Software and AI.


Research Interests

  • Experimental user interfaces
  • Visual programming paradigms
  • Game studies
  • Combining creativity, media and technology


Key Facts

  • Multi-disciplinary education including Computer Science at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Interface Cultures at University of Arts and Design Linz, Music and Media Technology course of studies at Anton Bruckner University Linz
  • PhD studies in the field of game studies at the University of Art and Design Linz (topic: Productive Gaming)
  • Experienced C++ developer with a focus on software architectures, audio processing, and Human Computer Interaction
  • Co-founder of the company foreverloops Gmbh
  • Organized the Players as Producers symposium, November 2016, at the University of Art and Design Linz


Key Publications

  • Andreu Belsunces, Laura Benitez Valero, Ulrich Brandstatter, Cesar Escudero, Fabricio Lamoncha, Paula Pin, and Enrique Tomas: Diffractive interfaces: Diffraction as an artistic research methodology. Artnodes 20 (2017), pp. 85-100.
  • Ulrich Brandstätter: Produktives Spielen. Design Austria, Q4 2017.
  • Ulrich Brandstätter and Christa Sommerer: Productive Gaming. 15th IFIP TC 14 International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC 2016), Springer, 2016.
  • Ulrich Brandstätter, Marlene Brandstätter, and Christa Sommerer: Gears for audio-visual composition: Productive play with virtual mechanics. Proceedings of the Audio Mostly 2016, ACM, 2016.
  • Christa Sommerer, Ulrich Brandstätter, and Laurent Mignonneau: Interface-Centric Art Games. In R. Nakatsu, et al. (Eds.). Handbook of digital games and entertainment technologies. Springer, 2017, pp. 805-831.


Teaching Experience

  • Exercise Algorithms and Data Structures I (Johannes Kepler University Linz)
  • Exercise Algorithms and Data Structures II (Johannes Kepler University Linz)
  • Programming I (University of Arts and Design Linz, University for Applied Sciences of Upper Austria - Campus Hagenberg)
  • Programming II (University of Arts and Design Linz)
  • Games Workshop (University of Arts and Design Linz)
